Can't stand the CUTENESS!


I just had to make this bag! I couldn't take it anymore! I put off work and decided to sew me up this adorable bag from Lotta Jansdotter . I talked about her fabulous book in this post.

I made the tote in only two days. Not so bad. I desperately needed a good, sturdy bag that I could take to Church and the Library. Hurrah!

If found the denim at my mom's house (after raiding her fabric) and I found the lining fabric for only $2/yd at Home Fabrics in Boise, Idaho. Can't beat that! So, total cost of bag about $2.

What do you think? If you've wanted to make yourself a fun bag, than get Lotta's book. The instructions were simple enough and the pictures and layout just fabulous!


Anonymous said...

Love the bag! Love your blog* It was good to meet/chat last night. If you seriously want to do some trading for a blog design, I might take you up. Since I have a home-based daycare, Charlotte could come and play whenever, I just stay at home and play all day. I am licensed so I have to stay within their ratios, but right now I have two openings and I'm not looking to fill them yet so she is welcome whenever. Let me know!

Life of Us said...

This is the right profile info.

Adventures in Dressmaking said...

Super cute, love the print! I looooove those 45" home dec prints from JoAnn!

Jarom & Corinne said...

love it, so cute, i like the fabric on the inside!