

My blog has officially moved! Go check it out at sweetmuffinsuite.com/blog

Or if you would like to go check out my work visit sweetmuffinsuite.com


tigerprint what is love competition

These are my entries for the what is love competition for Tigerprint. If you want to enter, there is still time. The deadline has been extended to this Friday, January 13th. Good luck!


my new logo

Oh I can hardly stand it! I'm getting so excited to share with you the new look of my blog and website, which will include a portfolio as well. I'm so pumped! I hope to have it up before Alt Summit which is January 18th. Woot woot!

Here's the final logo!

If you want to see more, go check out my new Facebook Page, Etsy store and Twitter Page. I'm also working on getting business cards ordered too. I'll make sure to post about those when I get them.

GiftCard Bäks Designs & a Giveaway ***CLOSED***

I had the opportunity to work with GiftCard Bäks this past year to create some stunning Gift Card Packaging for Walmart. Designs rolled into 500 Walmart stores in 41 states on Black Friday. I love that these designs can be used year round and make great boxes for everyday use as well.

I also think that the innovative design exceeds what competitors are doing as well. I mean, come on.... a flat box that folds up into this cute little box, and has a magnet closure. It saves on shipping too! How cool is that!

How many of us either receive or giveaway at least one gift card every year? I'd have to say almost everyone! Gift Cards are huge, so why not create some stellar packaging to go with it! I really feel that  GiftCard Bäks has done that! Don't you? 

The one above is the Stripe Box. My favorite one! The one below has glitter on it. And you can choose to use the bow or not. I love pull bows. If you've never seen a pull bow and how they work, check out this video.

This birthday box is my favorite because of the fun inside pattern. It's so fun seeing my designs in real life, not just in illustrator.

This Chevron box is fun. I love the black on black. It's a spot uv coating. Love.

My amazing friend Sharon took the photos for me and designed this box. I always love working with great friends who are great designers too!

I hope that some of you could use some fun packaging for your gift cards this year, so I'm giving 3 of my readers each a total of 5 GiftCard Bäks. 

Here are 5 ways you can enter to win! Leave a separate comment for each entry.

1. Leave a comment on this blog post telling me who you'd like to give a GiftCard Bäks to? Must leave your email address so I can get in touch with you if you win!
2. "LIKE" me on my new Facebook Page and come back here telling me you did so.
3. Visit my Etsy store and tell me which product you like the best!
4. Follow me on Twitter and leave me a comment telling me you do.
5. Follow me on Pinterest

So there you have it! The giveaway will close a week from today, so January 10th ***CLOSED*** on Tuesday, January 17th at 12:00 noon. I'll announce the winners that day. Good luck!




birth announcements for Shutterfly

I had so much fun designing these cards. I really wanted to play around with texture. I made some watercolor/acrylic looking textures using original watercolor textures that I painted first, and then using photoshop brushes I finished it. I think they all turned out so cute. And they feel so FRESH compared to what was on Shutterfly's website previously. Way to go Petite Lemon!

The inspiration for this one was found on a felt baby shoe. Too cute huh? I wish I could cross-stitch as well as I can design.

This one took the longest. Do you know how hard it is to recreate lace! Whowza! I made each layer of the lace a separate pattern and then layered them on top of each other. And I also had to make a few different Illustrator brushes to make the lace as well. So difficult!

This one has a linen texture on it too. I found this awesome tutorial on how to make your own linen texture in photoshop.

And here are the baby boy announcements. Tapes are so in right now! Japanese Masking Tape is so fun. You can make so many projects using them too!

I love these next two because it feels so fresh and modern. Don't you agree? 

Shutterfly New Years Cards

If you missed sending out Christmas Cards like I did, it's not too late to send out a New Years card. Just welcome in the new year like I did and send out a New Years Card instead of a Christmas Card.

Here are a few I designed for Shutterfly a few months back. I think they're pretty fun! Plus you can post lots of pictures about all of the adventures you had in 2011.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone!

I am so excited for this year and am so glad that last year is over. Is that horrible to say? It was a rough year for me. But putting all of that behind me, I'm ready for a fresh start. It's time to see some major changes in my design career and I'm so thrilled for all that is to come.

May your year be filled with happy memories and exciting moments.