
my latest creation

Just wanted to share this new pattern that I designed with all of you. Let me know what you think. Thanks.


Portfolios & Job Searches

Hey Everyone!

Check out some of my latest work at Coroflot. Coroflot is a place where creative professionals can post their work and find jobs. Plus, it's super easy to use. If you are looking for work or want to see some of the hottest and latest designs, or want to learn more, check it out here!

Some other great places to find jobs in the creative field are the AIGA website or Creative Hotlist. You can search the AIGA jobs without being a member, but will need to become a member if you want more information. Prices to become a member range from $95 (Student) to $315 (Professional).

Good luck out there to all of you searching for jobs (myself included).


A Gloomy Day

Well, I just got back from a trip to Denver to see my brother-in-law get married. We left with the sun shining on our backs and arrived home to a very gloomy day. The clouds are out and the rain is falling. Oh, how I wish for sunshine and spring. Is anyone else sick of winter? Well, to help brighten my day, I'm posting some of my Spring tins that I designed for Seastone (the company I used to work for designing gift card packaging. Client: Kroger). Enjoy!


About Me

My name is Pauline Grayson. I'm a 6'1" twenty-nine year old graphic designer living in Utah. I love designing and illustrating patterns and really want to get into textile design! I hope this blog will take me there.

Headshot was taken by my amazing friend, Darby Simon.



These bibs make the perfect baby gift. Not only are they fun to make, but they are original and no one else will have the same one. Download a free pdf version of the bib pattern here (right click to download). Feel free to use this pattern for personal use, but please do not sell it.

13 inches of flannel (choose 2 different patterns or colors)
2 packages of Bias Tape (Maxi Piping) or Wide RicRac
matching thread

1. Place flannel right sides together and lay on a flat surface. Iron.
2. Cut Bibs using pattern. Should get 4 bibs.

3. Pin on Bias Tape on one of the sides. {see picture below}. Placing tapes on the inside.

4. Sew on Bias tape using zipper foot, keeping bias tape along edge of bib pattern.

5. Place other side of bib, right sides together and pin down.

6. Sew together. Leave about 1.5-2” at top of bib so that you can turn it right side out. There will usually be about 1/2 inch of extra fabric at top when finished, so just trim that off {see picture below}.
7. Change to regular sewing foot and sew around neck and sides.

8. Cut small slits around neck {see picture below}. This will help it sit better when turned right side out.

8. Turn right side out and hand stitch the opening at top of bib.
9. Iron.
10. Follow directions on snap package to put on snaps.

New Patterns

Here are a few of my most recent patterns. Let me know what you think.


Turn your photo into a polaroid. Instantly!

Check out this site and download the program for free. It's called Poladroid. I thought it was kind of fun to instantly turn your photo into a Polaroid. Isn't that cool!